Auditor's review

A review increases the credibility of the financial statements

In the event that you are not subject to an obligatory audit for your annual financial statements, but you require a lower degree of reliability for your shareholders or a financing bank, we can offer you a review of your financial statements. A review is limited primarily to inquiries of employees of the company and analytical assessments. It is conducted in accordance with the principles for reviewing financial statements as defined by the Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer (German Institute of Public Auditors).

For Clients acting internationally, it is possible to conduct such an audit in accordance with the International Standard on Review Engagements (ISRE) 2410, Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity and to report on it – in English, of course.

The reliability and credibility of your communicated company information is an important prerequisite for the trust of important stakeholders. An audit review ensures the quality of your financial information and thus contributes to confidence-building.

3 Audit

Benefits of an auditor's review

The reliability and credibility of your communicated company information is an important prerequisite for the trust of important stakeholders. An Auditors’ review ensures the quality of your financial information and thus contributes to building confidence.

The auditor’s review is not an audit but a critical evaluation of the financial statements based on comprehensive plausibility assessments. Because the audit procedures are less detailed than those for the audit of the annual financial statements, certain procedures are executed more quickly and with less effort.

The advantages of the review include, among other things, increasing reliability and, as a result, improving the credibility of financial information without a comprehensive audit.

Additional audit services

Our audit services also include the review of annual and interim financial statements, event audits, statutory special audits and audit-related services:

Contact us

Sebastian Motzkus

Sebastian Motzkus

Chartered Accountant

T: 0049 (30) 28 49 87 215




0049 (30) 28 49 87 215

Marco Schneider

Marco Schneider

Chartered Accountant
Tax Advisor
Managing Director

T: 0049 (30) 28 49 87 204




0049 (30) 28 49 87 204